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Inferring student attention with ASQ

Vasileios Triglianos, Cesare Pautasso, Alessandro Bozzon and Claudia Hauff


Computers are also good for programming

Computers are also good for typing answers

Computers are also good for drawing diagrams

Computers are also good for interactive questions

Heard you study the Web?

I made you a Web-based tool to learn about the Web, while practicing the Web without leaving the Web

nswers lides uestions
sources of Distraction
affordances of Learning



Inferring Student Attention


No Context Switch

Everyone answers

Q1. Do you teach any course involving programming?

Yes No

Q2. What's your favourite programming language?

Q2. Favourite programming languages

Browser events

Event NameDescription
windowfocus The browser window that displays the ASQ receives focus.
questioninput Student input in a question.
exercisesubmit A student submits the solution to an ASQ exercise.
idle Student is inactive for 10 seconds.
connected A student connects to the ASQ server.

tabhidden, tabvisible, windowblur, exercisefocus, exerciseblur, input, answersubmitted, disconnected

RQ1. To what extent can students’ attention be inferred from their interactions with a Web-based platform?

RQ2. Which type of interactions are most correlated with (in)attention?

Method Invasive Accurate Scalable Privacy Affordable
EEG signals
Facial expressions
Eye gaze and skin conductance
TAs Observing Students
Note-taking analysis

State of the Art Findings

Web & Database Technology

Browser events for 2 students

single viewer events

From low-level events to attention states

State indicators

Name Description
exercise The current slide has an exercise.
connected The student browser is connected to ASQ.
focus The browser has focus on the tab or exercise related to the lecture.
idle The viewer is idle.
input An ASQ exercise HTML element receives input.
submitted All the ASQ exercises of the slide have been submitted.

Connected-focus indicators for the whole class

connected-focus indicators
connected-focus indicators for ER Conceptual Design lecture connected-focus indicators for Web Security lecture
exercise connected focus idle input submitted Inferred Attention State
- - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - -
- - - - -
- - - -
- - - -
Searching for a solution
- - -
Searching for a solution
- - - -
Interacting with non-question slide
- - -
- - -
- -
- - -
- -
- -
- -
Reworking answer

Attention State for 2 students

single attention State

Attention State for the whole class

single attention State
single attention State single attention State single attention State single attention State single attention State single attention State

Let's zoom in a question slide

single attention State single attention State single attention State single attention State single attention State single attention State
single attention State single attention State

Attention-focus variation

attention focus variation
attention focus variation attention focus variation

Future work
We want to collaborate with you!

Vasileios Triglianos, Cesare Pautasso, Zhenfei Nie, Jacques Dafflon, Margarita Grinvald, Max von Bülow, Georgios Kokosioulis, Luigi Frunzio, Marco Ravazzini