Be sure to install and include the ASQ elements that you need. The following installs all ASQ elements. Notice that we also install the webcomponents polyfill.
The <asq-welcome> element allows the presenter to display the the URL of the presentation for viewers to connect. It also displays QR code for the URL and the number of connected viewers.
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<!-- in index.html --> <divid="intro"class="step"> <h1> My first ASQ talk!</h1> <asq-welcome></asq-welcome> </div>
Settings element
The asq-settings element allows you to configure settings for the whole presentation. They can be overwrited on a per-exercise level.
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<!-- in index.html --> <!-- This presentation will allow for a max of 2 submission per question, will have the viewer slides follow the presenter ones and will not perform any kind of assessment. --> <asq-settingsmax-num-submissions="2"slideflow="ctrl"assessment="none"></asq-settings> <divid="impress"> <!-- slides go here--> </div>
Exercise and Question elements
Each <asq-exercise> element can have one or more question elements. Always use question elements inside a <asq-exercise> element. You can put as many <asq-exercise> elements in a slide as you want, but be careuful of the amount of space you have.
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<!-- in index.html --> <divid="one-question"class="step"> <h1> This slide has one exercise with one question</h1> <asq-exercisemax-num-submissions="-1"> <asq-stem><h2><asq-text-input-q> question</h2></asq-stem> <asq-text-input-q> <asq-stem><h3>What's your name?</h3></asq-stem> </asq-text-input-q> </asq-exercise> </div>
<!-- in index.html --> <divid="multiple-questions"class="step"> <h1> This slide has one exercise with two questions and allows for only infinite submissions</h1> <asq-exercisemax-num-submissions="-1"> <asq-stem><h2><asq-multi-choice-q> question</h2></asq-stem> <asq-multi-choice-qselected="op3"> <asq-stem><h3>Here you can pick just one answer:</h3></asq-stem> <asq-optionname="op0">Option 0</asq-option> <asq-optionname="op1">Option 1</asq-option> <asq-optionname="op2">Option 2</asq-option> <asq-optionname="op3">Option 3</asq-option> </asq-multi-choice-q> <asq-multi-choice-qselected-values='["op1", "op2"]'multistats-layout="vertical"> <asq-stem><h3>Here you can pick as many as you want</h3></asq-stem> <asq-optionname="op0">Option 0</asq-option> <asq-optionname="op1">Option 1</asq-option> <asq-optionname="op2">Option 2</asq-option> <asq-optionname="op3">Option 3</asq-option> </asq-multi-choice-q> </asq-exercise> </div>